Holding the conference "Export Corridor of Iran, Armenia, Eurasia" by Sepanta Salamat Ayrik

According to a report from Sepanta Salamat Ayric Company, the "Iran-Armenia-Eurasia Export Corridor Conference" was held at the Isfahan Science and Technology Town. The event was attended by Mr. Seyed Mojtaba Ghadamgahi, Director of Business Development, and Ms. Razieh Kohansal, Director of the Export Corridor of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology.

At this conference, organized by Sepanta Salamat Ayric, the export agent of the Center for International Interactions, Mr. Ehsan Yazdian, Deputy of Technology Development of Isfahan Science and Technology Town, welcomed the guests and introduced the capabilities and potential of the knowledge-based and tech companies of the town.

Mr. Ghadamgahi explained the structure of the International Science and Technology Interactions Center under the President's Office and highlighted the importance of knowledge-based and tech companies' familiarity with export issues such as financial transfers, transportation, and more, alongside maintaining product quality and competitive pricing. He elaborated on the supportive capacities of the center for tech and knowledge-based companies in export development and outlined the new approach of the Business Development Office regarding granting facilities. He noted that providing necessary guarantees for financing from various sources is more effective than offering limited-cap facilities.

Ms. Kohansal, Director of the Export Corridor of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology, explained the structure of the export corridor and detailed the support packages and how knowledge-based and tech companies can benefit from them. She emphasized that export corridor services are not limited to knowledge-based companies; tech and creative companies can also benefit from these services after export readiness evaluation. She mentioned international legal consultancy and financial transfer consultancy as other services offered to member companies of the Excellence Club. She invited interested knowledge-based and tech companies to join the Export Club to participate in upcoming exhibitions.

Mr. Farid Nejatbakhsh, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Isfahan Knowledge-Based Companies Association, welcomed the guests and described the association as a successful model for synergistic activities in the country's tech ecosystem. He emphasized the necessity of consortiums in the export field and referred to the Sepanta Joint Stock Company as a unified and synergistic structure emanating from the association. Nejatbakhsh suggested that knowledge-based companies could efficiently and effectively enter target export markets by forming specialized consortiums like Sepanta Salamat, stressing the importance of aggregating capabilities and protecting the national brand in export markets.

Mr. Ali Heydari, Director of Sepanta Salamat Ayric, the export agent of the Center for International Interactions of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology, explained the structure of the Sepanta Salamat technology holding. He emphasized the success of cooperation and synergy among knowledge-based companies within Sepanta Salamat and expressed readiness to promote this successful cooperation model across the country's tech ecosystem. Heydari highlighted the necessity of synergistic presence of knowledge-based and tech companies in international markets and outlined the advantages of this approach, including brand credibility enhancement, comprehensive product portfolio provision, and reduced marketing and logistics costs. He also reviewed the outcomes of his recent trip to Armenia for coordinating the upcoming commercial-technology delegation to Armenia in September. He noted the readiness of various Armenian institutions, including the Union of Armenian Traders and Employers, the Armenian Chamber of Commerce, the Armenian Ministry of Advanced Industries, and the Armenian Tech Companies Union, to hold face-to-face business meetings and visit the Expo as part of this commercial-technology trip.

At the end of the conference, two guests from Armenia participated online to discuss the capacities of the Iran-Armenia-Eurasia Export Corridor.

Mr. Gagik Makaryan, Chairman of the Union of Armenian Traders and Employers, thanked Sepanta Salamat for its deep and practical activities in Armenia for the synergy between Iranian tech companies and Armenian traders and industrialists. He considered the presence of Iranian tech companies in Armenia in September a valuable opportunity and described Armenia as a promising market for Iranian technologies and a gateway to the Eurasian Economic Union and European countries. Mr. Sergey Pirutyunyan highlighted the benefits of producing or transferring the final stages of production to Armenia, including zero tariffs among Eurasian Economic Union member countries, and stressed the Armenian Chamber of Commerce's cooperation with Sepanta Salamat for developing Iran-Armenia commercial and technological interactions.

After the conference, Mr. Ghadamgahi, Ms. Kohansal, Mr. Heydari, and Mr. Nejatbakhsh visited knowledge-based companies located in the Isfahan Science and Technology Town, including Arya Polymer Pishgam, Behyar Sanat Sepahan, Teb Tajhiz Paya, and Senjesh Va Danesh Ayric.

همایش کریدور صادرات ایران، ارمنستان، اوراسیا همایش کریدور صادرات ایران، ارمنستان، اوراسیا